Full Moon in Virgo: A Purging Process

Times of transition are strenuous, but I love them.
They are an opportunity to purge, rethink priorities,
and be intentional about new habits.
We can make our new normal any way we want.
-Kristin Armstrong


The Full Moon in Virgo on March 12 brings a dry outlook amidst the tides of the last few weeks. This is a sobering Full Moon and we have the opportunity to reset our stance as the light shines on the chaos and structures of our lives. In this Earth sign, the Full Moon asks us to come back down to reality for a moment and attend to the details and responsibilities of our existence.

Efficiency is not as simple as it sounds and must be developed day after day until the habit is well established. Under the Full Moon in Virgo on March 12, you could find yourself vividly aware of how you go about setting yourself up for success or… failure.

You might have the urge to discard the clutter that has accumulated over the last few months. Whether the mess is internal, external or general, this Full Moon is excellent for getting rid of what is weighing you down. This purging process is further supported by Venus who is currently retrograde. Amongst many other things, Venus is linked to luxury and beauty and this is an excellent time to discard the clothes and objects which are causing stagnation and perhaps donate them to charity. Creating space might not come as easily as we hope and conscious discipline might need to be applied. With Mars in the very first degree of Taurus, our earthly abode and the material reality that surround us is doubly emphasized. Our attention is on the objects that surrounds us and we could feel the polarizing need to acquire and discard simultaneously.


Narrow-mindedness, irrational fears, and excessive worry could very well be highlighted this  weekend. Mercury – the ruler of the Full Moon in Virgo – is in the sign of its detriment and fall at the time of the Full Moon. Mercury will also be in a square with Saturn in Sagittarius adding a dash of mental anguish to this already unhappy placement. Choose your conversations and words wisely and monitor your thoughts. Chances are the lack of clarity around a situation could create more anxiety than its worth. Avoid guilt-trips and mentally straining situations if you can do so. Next week will provide illuminating solutions that are not visible at the moment. For now, simplify where you can and do not become hyper-critical or overly concerned with a situation that is out of your control or simply not your fault.


Our desire to have everything right and our inability to do so might be highlighted on this Full Moon. However, the opportunity to find some form of contentment in organizing and simplifying is available. Processes are what bring lasting changes and we now have the ability to make the small adjustments needed to bring bigger results. Reset your stance by purging your space. Attend to your body and its basic needs. Nurture and calm your mind with meditation and breath and most importantly: don’t sweat the small stuff!

“We love the imperfect shapes in nature and in the works of art,
look for an intentional error as a sign of the golden key
and sincerity found in true mastery.”
― Dejan Stojanovic

The Moon will be Full on March 12, 2017 at 10:54 EST at 22º of Virgo

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