I believe that there is magic in this worldfor those who wish to see it.  Nature is the greatest mysteryshe regulates life with her cycles. There is a time for new beginnings, building empires and going forth in this worldjust as there are times for silent retreats, slowing down and letting go. She is the hand of time and we are actors in this grand masquerade, playing our role without knowing how the next act will unfold. 

Humans have long observed the rhythms that regulate life on earth.  The passing of time, the rising and settings of the Sun, the Moon, the stars. Planetary bodies have guided humankind in their grandiose adventures like a compass or a magnificent cosmic watch, helping us read the various time signatures and organize life on earth. So simple in its synchronicity, yet so complex in the eyes of modern science, astrology has become the outcast in our denaturalized society. 

My understanding of astrology has changed me deeply.  It has become a tool and language I draw on daily to navigate through the seasons of my life.  Astrology can serve as a map to our individual and collective psyche. By delineating planetary cycle we can glimpse into the ”arrière-scène”, the inner-workings and shed light if only for a moment on the scripts that were written for us. I approach astrology with the eyes of an eternal student and the desire to communicate my discoveries along the way.

My goal is to share the language of myths and symbols that resides within ourselves and feed the imagination the magic that it needs to thrive, giving deeper meaning to our existence.

Elodie St-Onge-Aubut
April 9, 2015
St-John’s, Newfoundland


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