The constancy of Saturn


Things take time.

One does not become wise with the accumulation of diplomas but with the slow movement towards death that we like to call maturity. You cannot buy experience; you have to wait patiently at the threshold of time.

Observe with humility what unfolds
Take notes
Act accordingly

There is no better instruction manual for life than time. With the wisdom acquired one realizes that he knows nothing at all and this is when the true learning journey begins.

The adversity of reality builds strength of character and reveals its underlying truth one drop at a time. For the steep price of aging we discover the secrets that remain hidden to the hubris of youth. The finality of death can be a fantastic teacher for those who are eager to learn. Where one only sees restrictions the student of Saturn sees a learning opportunity.
*Saturn is currently at 18º of Sagittarius in a conjunction with the Sun. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter which is expansive and generally joyful. A far cry from the restrictive nature of Saturn. Not only does this annual conjunction of the Sun and Saturn happening on Jupiter’s home turf the planet which is currently at 18º Libra is also sextile to the Sun/Saturn conjunction. This lightens Saturn’s load considerably and might bring interesting wisdom and an appreciation for time-tested ideas.

The conjunction of the Sun and Saturn in Sagittarius is exact Saturday morning the 10th of December.

Here are some of my interpretation for this conjunction.  Please keep in mind that those are general interpretations. To know more specifically how this conjunction will influence you, locate the house where Sagittarius falls in your chart. This conjunction will be more evident if you have planets in the middle degrees of either Sagittarius or other mutable signs.

➣Gratitude for recent struggles who brought you a genuine level of strength and wisdom.

➣A sense of accomplishments after a period of hard work.

➣Making long-term plans.

➣The realisation that people can’t live-up to your unrealistic expectations.

➣A desire for socializing which doesn’t find an easy outlet.

➣The awareness that things take time and that it is perfectly ok.

➣It is the journey that brings the teachings not the destination.

➣Being limited in some ways but being ok with that. Wisdom in limitations.

➣The desire to slow down and assimilate recent teachings.

➣Wisdom from the distant past coming to the surface.

➣Limitations and their potentials.

➣The presence of sickness and death and learning to enjoy the present moment.

➣The silver lining of something very difficult

Here is a great example of a Jupiterian person in very difficult circumstances making the best of it.

Click the picture for the link:


5 thoughts on “The constancy of Saturn

    • Elodie Miaow December 10, 2016 / 1:02 am

      Thanks Terry! 🙂


  1. Fernanda December 10, 2016 / 6:59 am

    Inspiring post! ♡♡♡

    Liked by 1 person

    • Elodie Miaow December 10, 2016 / 1:00 pm

      Thank you 🙂 💕


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